Incorporation Package
RM1,599 only
For locals only
- Unlimited search on proposed names
- 3 proposed company name reservations
- Inclusive SSM Registration fees of RM1,010
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Statutory records including registers and minutes book
- Resolution of the First Board of Directors’ Meeting
- Resolution of the Appointment of First Secretaries
- Resolution to open bank account
- Free first five(5) sets of Certified True Copy documents
We want to be price transparent, so that you know the fees we pay to SSM to register your company:
- Name reservations (RM50.00 for each name)
- Registration fees (RM1,010.00)

Incorporation Package
RM1,999 only
For foreigners
- Unlimited search on proposed names
- 3 proposed company name reservations
- Inclusive SSM Registration fees of RM1,010
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Statutory records including registers and minutes book
- Resolution of the First Board of Directors’ Meeting
- Resolution of the Appointment of First Secretaries
- Resolution to open bank account
- Free first five(5) sets of Certified True Copy documents
We want to be price transparent, so that you know the fees we pay to SSM to register your company:
- Name reservations (RM50.00 for each name)
- Registration fees (RM1,010.00)

Basic Plan Company Secretarial Services
RM 59/month only
- Two (2) Chartered Secretaries
- Provision of registered address
- E-signing
- Access to Trust Maven Platform
Exclusive of all common & uncommon tasks and out-of-pocket expenses

Premium Plan Company Secretarial Services
RM 149/month only
- Two (2) Chartered Secretaries
- Provision of registered address
- Unlimited common resolutions
- Appointment/Resignation of Directors/Secretary/Auditors/Corporate Representative
- Change in officers’ particulars
- Change of business address
- Change of financial year end
- Allotment/Transfer of Shares
- Preparation of Annual Return on MBRS & Circulation of Financial Statements
- Annual Return & Financial Statements Submission services
- E-signing
- Access to Trust Maven Platform
Free 3 months of secretarial Retainer Fees when you transfer your existing company to us.
Exclusive of uncommon tasks and out-of-pocket expenses

Nominee Director Services
RM 5,000/year
Setting up from overseas? We offer Nominee Director Service to fulfil your requirement to have a local resident director on board.
The Nominee Director Service is renewable on an annual basis.
Once you have identified your own local director, the Nominee Director will cease as the director of the company.
Due to the associated liability and non-executive nature of our Nominee Director service the terms of use include:
- Joint take up of our Premium Plan for Company Secretarial Package
- Appointment of at least one other director to make executive decisions
- Must engage our monthly accounting services
- A refundable security deposit of RM5,000

Striking-Off Services
The directors/members of the company may apply for striking off in the event that the company is dormant or have no intention to carry on business activities. The company has to fulfill the following requirements for striking off:-
- No assets and liabilities
- No outstanding charges
- No outstanding penalties or compounds with the SSM
- No outstanding tax or liabilities
- Up to-date company information with the SSM
- No legal proceedings within or outside Malaysia
- Have not made any return of capital
- Not a holding company or Guarantor Corporation
Extra Charges Per Task
- Out-of-Pocket Expenses / Disbursements (in relation to physical tasks i.e. travelling costs to SSM, courier fees upon your request): At Cost
Let’s incorporate your company or appoint us as your Company Secretary today


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Our Locations
[HQ] 19B, Jalan Tapah, Off Jalan Goh Hock Huat 41400 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
[Branch] No. 16-8, Inifinity Tower, Jalan SS 6/3, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.