Tax Compliance
Necessary for all companies to comply with tax requirements
- Form e-E filing
- Tax computation
- Form e-C filing
- Filing of Tax Payable (CP204/CP204A)
Fine print:
- What is Form E?: Form E is an Employer’s Return of Remuneration for every calendar year and it is due for submission by 31st March every calendar year.
- What is Form C?: Form C is an Income Tax Return and it has to be submitted within 7 months from the financial year end.
- Bundle Requirement: Must take up our secretarial package and one of the accounting packages.

+6013-3341494 (Mica)
+6013-3334935 (Jerry)

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Our Locations
[HQ] 19B, Jalan Tapah, Off Jalan Goh Hock Huat 41400 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
[Branch] No. 13A-16, Inifinity Tower, Jalan SS 6/4, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.